Thursday, January 29, 2009

Camera Time

I know absolutely nada about photography, but I've been playing around with my little Canon PowerShot. It's really a lot of fun. Here are the results of some of my experiments. Also: Photoshop is my friend.

Chubby McChubberson:

Anicka likes posing:


Heh heh. Ryker's feet look huge in this one:

Five things I've learned about photographing kids:
1. Focus on the eyes.
2. Get down on their level.
3. Props are good.
4. Get up close and personal.
5. Try different angles, it makes things interesting.


Trav said...

Cool shots! I love photography... though I don't shoot a lot of people. Well done! And thanks for your comment on the Ways to Woo post!

Anonymous said...


There are tons of tutorials on youtube and on photography blogs-thats how I got started. I didn't ever take a class or anything like that.

I am actually more scared for my second natural birth cause I know what to expect.

You don't have to feel like a blog stalker anymore-I like new blog friends.

evie said...

haha, cutest children ever! i love the one with anickas shoes close up...and the slides. awesome pics moe